Wednesday, April 30, 2014

About 3 months ago, a group of my friends invited me to join them for a bike ride down the Pacific Coast Highway from Seattle to San Francisco.  I agreed to join them and began training.  This Sunday we will be flying from Dallas and pick up our bikes which were shipped earlier this week.  The route will take us some 950 miles down the coast and through some of the most beautiful scenery that America has to offer.  We will average about 60 miles per day over the 16 day trip.  There will be no rest days.  The rest of the group is planning to use hotels to stay at each evening.  I have decided to bring my tent and sleeping bag and camp a portion of the nights.  Having never been to this part of the country, I'm not sure exactlly how many campsites will be available so I will camp when possible and hotel the rest of the time.
I will be pulling a YAK trailer and am determined to keep my load under 25 lbs to include all of my camping gear and my IPAD.
So far I have a hotel reservation for Sunday night in Seattle and the final night in San Francisco...other than that....we'll see.  It should be an adventure.
For those familiar with the coast, our travel will take us down the Pacific Coast Highway with stops in towns like Raymond, Wa, Astoria and Coos Bay, OR and Eureka and Westport CA.
A number of people have asked me if I am doing the for a cause?  I tell them, 'cause I need to lose some weight and this seemed like a good way to do it.  Although I have done a lot of biking in the past, including a number of centuries and 100k rides, I have never done a multi-day ride.  I have wanted to though.  When this opportunity came up, I had to do it.  I must admit that when I started to train I was quite out of shape and in desperate need of dropping some pounds.  My hope is that by the end of the journey I will have lost 25 lbs from the time I started training.
I am going to use this blog to document our journey.  Mostly through photo's with a few of my thoughts mixed in.  If the weather sucks, it will most assuredly be documented.

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